Teacher Resources
Here is s link to a video of Found being read.
Thanks, Susan Soo for sharing
Retrieved from https://bookpage.com/features/23398-tips-teachers-neighbors-childrens#.XUikXZNKjOQ
• Inference—Wordless books require children to study the illustrations as the way of deciphering characters’ feelings. In Found, the main character goes through a range of complex emotions. Reread the book through with students and write down (on the board or chart paper) the adjectives they use to describe how the girl is feeling. Read the book for a third time. This round, invite children to tell you why they chose these particular adjectives . . . what concrete illustration details did they use to infer the girl’s feelings? Make a concept map by connecting each illustration clue with the appropriate adjective.
• Compare and contrast—Share Stephanie Graegin’s wordless picture book Little Fox in the Forest with students. Like Found, this story shares similar themes and colorwork, but they are vastly different in their settings, characters and plot execution. Guide students in creating a two circle Venn diagram. As a class, identify one similarity and one difference between Found and Little Fox in the Forest. Allow time for students to individually fill out their diagrams.
• Parts of a book—This story begins on the front endpapers. Readers who skip to the official first page will miss two key plot points. Use this as an opportunity to introduce students to the concept of reading every part of a book. Discuss front and back endpapers and the title page. Pose the question, “What would happen if I skipped over the endpapers, opening pages and title page?”
Teaching Strategy: 4 corners- When she sees the lost dog poster, should she give the dog back?
Have the students come up with a story (words) to go with the pictures. Discuss whether or not words are necessary.
f Jeff Newman is also an illustrator, why did someone else do the pictures for Found? (after finishing the story, ask if they have changed their mind about this)