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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I share lesson ideas for one of the nominees?We would love to hear your ideas and activities! Please post your promotion documents through our Surrey TL Office 360 Team by clicking on the Surrey Book Award Programs channel and adding them to the SSPBOY Promotion Ideas tab. Kathy Gyori will transfer all posts to the SSPBOY website under their corresponding nominee title.
Where do I send the votes once I have finished counting them?Barbara Feltham is in charge of totaling the votes and announcing the winner. Please send completed voting form by Friday, May 29, 2020: - complete the form on teams under the SPBOY tab (easiest) - via email – via courier - Blue bag- attn:Barbara Feltham, Hazelgrove #203 - via fax attn: Barbara Feltham 604 574 2760
How do other teacher-librarians run the program?Teacher-librarians may choose to share all of the books with classes in the library, encouraging students to evaluate the stories and illustrations, and to identify their preferred title(s). Alternatively, the collection may be circulated to teachers who wish to conduct the program as part of Language Arts activities, or to individual students who wish to read the books independently.
Who participates in the Surrey Schools' Picture Book of the Year Program?Any student can participate in the program. It is usually geared towards K-4 students.
Does every Surrey school get a copy of the nominees? Who pays for them?Yes, the Surrey School District purchases a set of the ten nominees for each school. These should arrive at your school over the summer.
How do students get to vote?Students need to have read or been read aloud 5 of the nominees in order to vote. You can organize the student vote in whatever way works best for your school. One idea is to have ten large envelopes, each labelled with a nominee book cover, and then have students put their one vote in the corresponding envelope. Please tally the votes for each book and then send via email –, via courier - attn:Barbara Feltham, Hazelgrove #203 or via fax – attn: Barbara Feltham 604 574 2760.
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